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E. Kotter, Schrader, U., Allmann, K. - H., Einert, A., Schneider, B., and Langer, M., Integration of HIS, RIS, Modalities and a Large-Scale PACS, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery - CAR'97. Elsevier, Amsterdam [u.a.], pp. 538 - 543, 1997.
E. Kotter, Schrader, U., Pelikan, E., Timmermann, U., Klar, R., and Langer, M., The Freiburg large-scale PAC-System, Computer Assisted Radiology - CAR'95. Springer, Berlin [u.a.], pp. 1287 - 1288, 1995.
E. Kotter, Schrader, U., Klar, R., and Langer, M., Concept for a PACS-Aided Quality Assurance in Radiology, Computer Assisted Radiology - CAR'95. Springer, Berlin, pp. 633-637, 1995.
E. Kotter, Timmermann, U., Schrader, U., Pelikan, E., Klar, R., and Langer, M., Bildarchivierung und - kommunikation in der Radiologie, in Informationsverarbeitung an den Universitätsklinika Baden-Württembergs, R. Haux and Buchholz, W., Eds. Stuttgart: Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung Baden-Württemberg, 1995, pp. 174 - 183.

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