The ICNP BaT : from translation tool to translation web service

TitleThe ICNP BaT : from translation tool to translation web service
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsSchrader, U
Secondary AuthorsSaranto, K
JournalStudies in Health Technology and Informatics
Pagination320 - 324
Date Published2009
ISBN Number0926-9630
KeywordsICNP, Terminology, Translation

The ICNP BaT has been developed as a web application to support the collaborative translation of different versions of the ICNP into different languages. A prototype of a web service is described that could reuse the translations in the database of the ICNP BaT to provide automatic translations of nursing content based on the ICNP terminology globally. The translation web service is based on a service-oriented architecture making it easy to interoperate with different applications. Such a global translation server would free individual institutions from the maintenance costs of realizing their own translation services.


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