LOLON - Little Open Library of Nursing

by Magalie L'Abbé

We try to collect links to journals and books relevant to nursing that offer free fulltext access.

This is just a starting collection. But we hope it will grow over time.

If you know any other journal relevant to the art of nursing that offers open access and should be added, please leave a comment at the bottom of this page. Thank you!

Jie Leng and Ulrich Schrader

Google search restricted to the full text resources below

Nursing journals
No. Journal Topics covered Peer-Reviewed Availability
1 Bio Med Central (BMC) Nursing all aspects of nursing research, training, education, and practice Yes immediately
2 Bio Med Central (BMC) Palliative Care all aspects of hospice and palliative care for the dying and for those with profound suffering related to chronic illness Yes immediately
3 Nursing World: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing (OJIN) OJIN presents timely information required by nurses and other health care professionals to provide current and informed patient care Yes immediately
4 Evidence Based Nursing (EBN) EBN is designed to alert practising nurses to important and clinically relevant advances in treatment, diagnosis, aetiology, and prognosis. unknown immediately
5 NursingWorld addresses pertinent topics affecting nursing practice, research, education and the wider health care sector. Yes immediately
6 The American Nurse The official publication of the American Nurses Association unknown immediately
7 Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI) focuses on nursing informatics Yes immediately

Journals publishing some articles that are relevant for nursing

1 Bio Med Central (BMC) Pediatrics all aspects of health care in neonates, children and adolescents Yes immediately
2 Bio Med Central (BMC) Pregnancy and Childbirth all aspects of pregnancy and childbirth Yes immediately
3 Bio Med Central (BMC) Medical Education research articles in undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing medical education Yes immediately
4 Bio Med Central (BMC) Public Health all aspects of epidemiology and public health medicine Yes immediately
5 Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health all aspects of clinical and epidemiological research in psychiatry and mental health Yes immediately
6 Chiropractic & Osteopathy all aspects of evidence-based information that is clinically relevant to chiropractors, osteopaths and related health care professionals Yes immediately
7 Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation all aspects of economic evaluation in health care and also encourages submissions on health policy issues relating to resource allocation and the trade-offs between economic, ethical and social criteria for decision-making Yes immediately
8 BioPsychoSocial Medicine all aspects of the interrelationships between the biological, psychological, social, and behavioral factors of health and illness Yes immediately
9 Nutrition Journal all aspects of human and clinical nutrition, as well as research articles in the field of nutrition Yes immediately
10 Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine focus on the philosophy of medicine and biology, and on ethical aspects of clinical practice and research Yes immediately
11 Thrombosis Journal all aspects of clinical and basic research in the different areas of thrombosis Yes immediately
12 World Journal of Emergency Surgery all aspects of emergency surgery Yes immediately
13 Bio Med Central (BMC) Emergency Medicine focus on all aspects of emergency medicine, trauma, and pre-hospital care Yes immediately
14 British Medical Journal To lead the debate on health, and to engage, inform, and stimulate doctors, researchers and other health professionals in ways that will improve outcomes for patients. unknown immediately
15 Annals of Family Medicine is dedicated to advancing knowledge essential to understanding and improving health and primary care Yes immediately
16 Public Health Report offers articles in three main areas: public health practice, research, and viewpoints/commentaries Yes after 24 months
International Journal for Equity in Health about influences on and interventions and inequities in health Yes immediately
International Journal of Integrated Care focuses on integrated care, including the methods and strategies for linking and coordinating the various aspects of care delivered by different care systems, such as preventive services and the work of general practitioners, primary and specialty care, preventive and curative services, acute and long-term care as well as physical and mental health services Yes immediately
Journal of General Internal Medicine The subjects covered range across Medicine, Science, Social Science and the Humanities. unknown after 12 months
20 Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) CMAJ is a general medical journal publishing original research and review articles, commentaries and editorials, practice updates, an arts and ideas section and health news. unknown immediately
21 Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association offers articles that assist physicians, informaticians, scientists, nurses, and other health care professionals develop and apply medical informatics to patient care, teaching, research, and health care administration Yes after 12 months
22 Preventing Chronic Disease to provide a forum for public health researchers and practitioners to share study results and practical experience Yes immediately
23 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine a leading general medical journal reflecting current thinking and practice across the range of specialties Yes immediately
24 The Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry strives to bring together knowledge in medicine and psychiatry to improve patient care Yes immediately
25 American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) AJPH is dedicated to original work in research, research methods, and program evaluation in the field of public health Yes immediately
26 Annals of General Psychiatry "all aspects of psychiatry; basic and clinical neuroscience" Yes immediately
27 Australia and New Zealand Health Policy debate and understanding about health policy developments and practice in the regions. unknown immediately
28 BioMed Central (BMC) Geriatrics research articles in all aspects of health care in elderly people Yes immediately
29 BioMed Central (BMC) Medical Ethnics research articles in the ethics of medical research and practice Yes immediately
30 BioMed Central (BMC) Medical Informatics and Decision Making research articles in information management, systems and technology in healthcare and the study of medical decision making Yes immediately
31 BioMed Central (BMC) Nephrology all aspects of prevention, diagnosis and management of kidney and associated disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology Yes immediately
32 BioMed Central (BMC) Pulmonary Medicine all aspects of prevention, diagnosis and management of pulmonary and associated disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology Yes immediately
33 BioMed Central (BMC) Surgery research articles in surgical research, training, and practice Yes immediately
34 BioMed Central (BMC) Urology all aspects of prevention, diagnosis and management of urological disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology Yes immediately
35 BioMed Central (BMC) Musculoskeletal Disorders all aspects of prevention, diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal and associated disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology Yes immediately
BioMed Central (BMC) International Health and Human Rights articles in health care in developing and transitional countries, and all issues relating to health and human rights Yes immediately
BioMed Central (BMC) Medicine publishes original research articles, technical advances and study protocols in any area of medical science or clinical practice. To be appropriate for BMC Medicine, articles need to be of special importance and broad interest. Yes immediately
BioMed Central (BMC) Gastroenterology all aspects of prevention, diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology. Yes immediately
BioMed Central (BMC) Family Practise all aspects of primary health care, including clinical management of patients, professional training, shared decision making, and the organisation and evaluation of health care in the community. Yes immediately
40 BioMed Central (BMC) Cardiovascular Disorders all aspects of prevention, diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology Yes immediately
41 BioMed Central (BMC) Cancer all aspects of research relating to cancer, including molecular biology, genetics, pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical reports, and controlled trials Yes immediately
42 BioMed Central (BMC) Blood Disorders all aspects of prevention, diagnosis and management of blood disorders, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology Yes immediately
43 BioMed Central (BMC) Infectious Diseases all aspects of prevention, diagnosis and management of infectious and sexually transmitted diseases in humans, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology Yes immediately
44 Globalization and Health consider the positive and negative influences of globalization on health unknown immediately
45 Medscape Today "To provide clinicians and other healthcare professionals with the most timely comprehensive and relevant clinical information to improve patient care;" unknown immediately after registration

Compiled by Jie Leng

Title Author Year
Notes on Nursing: What it is and what it is not Nightingale, Florence 1860

Google search in these resources

If you know any other journal or book relevant to the art of nursing that offers open access and should be added, please leave a comment at the bottom of this page. Thank you!

Thank you!