Draft paper: Acceptance, Usage, and Communication Patters of a Blogging Exercise for Students

In 2006 I started a blogging exercise with my students. The idea was to get the students

A tag cloud with terms related to Web 2.

Image via Wikipedia

introduced to the concepts behind web 2.0, and to give them hands on experience in using these media. I used the dates of the blog entries and to comments to look at the way the blog was used in the exercise. Without further intervention two groups of users could the detected:


  • the publishers. They do their posts and comments, and they are done with the tasks assigned to them. They only visit the blog when they want to publish content. They try to finish their task in a one stop fashion
  • the communicators. They visit the blog often, interact a little, wait for reactions.

I never got around to finish the paper, so I finally published the draft here. Please be patient with the the edges and corners still being there.

Acceptance, Usage, and Communication Patters of a Blogging Exercise for Students






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