Evernote - my replacement for Google notebook

When Google announced the termination of the development of Google notebook, I posted on this blog asking for possible alternatives. I got several replies suggesting alternatives. @DrShock and @laikas pointed at the lifehacker blog.

Thank you all. I have been quite busy, so it took me a while to evaluate them all. My first impression was that every tool suggested did solve some of my problems really well.

I finally settled for Evernote. It was a hard decision and Zotero, Ubernote, and Snipd did come quite close. Important issues for me to be considered were:

  1. Information is collected on the web. Important for me since I am using several computers not all under my responsibility
  2. Import function for Google notebook
  3. Support for several notebooks that can be either public or private
  4. Local application that can be used to capture notes while offline. Since I travel a lot without internet access this is quite a useful function. The notes are synchronized with the web storage.
  5. Notes can be added by email and by sending tweets to Twitter. It even works with Twitpic.
  6. Notes can also be several media types like audio. But most important for me is the possibility to add hand scribbled notes using a tablet PC. Great for quick sketches, drawings, etc.
  7. I can make a notebook public and you get a URL to publish it.
  8. Evernote is a free application with an allowance of 40 MB of monthly storage. If that is exceeded there is a premium plan available. That Evernote has a clearly visible business plan give some hope for longevity

There is only one item on my wish list, I could not find: This is the possibility to publish a notebook as a RSS-feed. At least I have not found any way to do so yet. So far Evernote looks like a very good follow up to Google notebook. There is some overlap between Evernote and Diigo that I am using for bookmarks and highlighting of sections of a web page, so I have to develop a routine to decide which tool to use under what circumstances.

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I had this exact same problem. I jumped on Evernote actually before Google announced they were ceasing development on Notebook.

I loved Notebook, but with a little effort have found I like Evernote even better. I've become quite the proselytizer for it too. Now I'll make sure and this post as an example of the benefits.

Found you through the #31DBB post for today. Great stuff.

Also found you through #31DBBB. This is interesting - I've heard other bloggers talk about Evernote and how good it is, but didn't really know what it was or what it did.

So thanks for the explanation - I'm on my way over now to have a look!

I have the Evernote app installed on my iPhone. I use it instead of the default iphone notes app. for writing out my to do lists and for capturing any great ideas or dreams I think off. Great thing is since it is web based it's all instantly available again when I work on my PC.

Thank you for your comment. This would be one more reason to get an iPhone soon.

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