
Drupal links

You are looking for documents about ...?

You are looking for online documents about a certain topic? Well, you always can make use of the advanced search offered by many search engines. Now this is made a lot easier for you by EDocFind.

Using an interface of a normal search engine, EDocFind restricts the search results to files in Adobe's PDF format (default). Other file types, that can be searched for, are Word-, Excel, PowerPoint, Rich Text Format, and even the flash format (SWF).


What's new - ticTocs might keep you informed

You probably know the problem. You have access to many journals, but you don't find the time to check them regularly for any new articles that might be of interest to you. Well, you could just use each journal website and sign up, in order to get emails each time a new journal and a new table of content (TOC) is published. This can be done much easier now. ticTocs is a service where you can subscribe to rss-feeds of the journals you are interested in. You only have to register once, select the journals you are interested in, and you are done.


I share on ...

I make many of my resources publicly available.


Interactive graph and map of the development of influenza A(H1N1)

Warning: This page uses gadgets from Google Docs. Sometimes it is only properly displayed when using firefox. Problems have been reported when using Google Chrome (sic) and MS Internet Explorer.


Patient Information

Often it is hard to find places to search for reliable health information. Below are a couple links and search widgets to get startet.

As usual: Please consider all health information you will find on the web with appropriate care. No specific health information is endorsed by this site.


MedlinePlus is a service the the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health. Its goal is to provide trusted health information to the public.


Librarians came first ...

When trying out the new Google trends gadget I used the "2.0" buzzwords I often come across or even use myself.


Scientists build networks using twitter

If you use Twitter already this is not new for you. But finally Twitter starts to make the German news, mostly because German celebrities are joining the crowds. The common opinion is more skeptical about it, and considers its use a waste of time.


Find media that are licenced with a creative commons license

In his blog post "30+ Places To Find Creative Commons Media" Sean P Aune shares a great list with more than 30 collections, links, or methods that can be used to find media (audio, video, ...) that are licensed under a creative commons lice



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