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Backdoor found in widely used Linux utility targets encrypted SSH connections

OLDaily by Stephen Downes - Wed, 2024-04-03 02:37
Dan Goodin, Ars Technica, Apr 02, 2024

This is an object lesson in why organizations that use open source code should devote resources to supporting and maintaining it. Because if you don't, the actors who fill the gap may well be malicious. That's what happened here when a 'back door' was planed into XZ Utils, a widely-used set of tools used to compress software archives. The resulting code created a vulnerability in key infrastructure, used to secure critical systems such as cloud-based tools. It was caught by an engineer working at Microsoft, though in retrospect the tracks of an unknown bad actor seeding the code were there fir all to see.

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Don’t look back in anger (or anything else)

OLDaily by Stephen Downes - Sat, 2024-03-16 04:37
Martin Weller, The Ed Techie, Mar 15, 2024

The highlight of this post is a link to Audrey Watters saying I told you so. But the main point is Martin Weller saying "we should assume that generally tech revolutions in education end in a whimper, not a bang. Set your expectations accordingly." Yeah, there's a lot of "I told you so" going around about the demise of Udacity (though it's easy to forget that Coursera is chugging along) and to be sure there's nothing about the Udacity business model that is particularly attractive. If I had a main message to offer, it would be something like "most edtech revolutions aren't edtech revolutions at all". They're inventions of a fickle press that likes to fawn on elite university stars. No. Real edtech is the tens of thousands of people creating and posing new learning content everyday, not only on institutional platforms but also on blogs, video sites, social media, podcasting platforms, and wherever. Mostly nobody's writing about them nothing real in this field happens without them.

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Hashnode Creates Scalable Feed Architecture on AWS with Step Functions, EventBridge and Redis

OLDaily by Stephen Downes - Sat, 2024-03-16 04:37
Rafal Gancarz, InfoQ, Mar 15, 2024

Hashnode is a social network and blogging platform for developers (though of course it could be used for other functions as well). This article describes how Hashnode developers built a scalable event-driven architecture (EDA) for composing feed data for thousands of users. What I found interesting was not only how they composed the feed, but how the feed is actually built ahead of time so it's ready for the users when they login. That makes a lot of sense, actually, though it means your feed is being rebuilt over and over even you don't login. By contrast, it feels (though I couldn't say either way) as though Mastodon only builds the feeds when users login. Less overhead. Slower responses.

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What I learned from looking at 900 most popular open source AI tools

OLDaily by Stephen Downes - Sat, 2024-03-16 04:37
Chip Huyen, Mar 15, 2024

This is a great high-level overview of what's out there in the world of open source AI tools. Even though it covers a lot of ground, it's a quick read. No doubt there's so much more that could be said. Most useful is the introductory description of the 'AI stack' - "4 layers: infrastructure, model development, application development, and applications." We see the most open source projects at the application layer, and the further down the stack the harder it is for individuals to make contributions. Still, there's a ton of room here for individual innovators. Also from the same author: Machine Learning Developments and Operations (MLOps) Guide. See also: collection of open source and/or local AI tools and solutions.

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Sketchplanations - A weekly explanation in a sketch

OLDaily by Stephen Downes - Sat, 2024-03-16 04:37
Sketchplanations, Mar 15, 2024

Alan Levine shared this link today. At first I was just going to look and move on, but after spending fifteen minutes reading these one-panel cartoon explanations I feel I have to link to it here. Most of the explanations are of phenomena I'm already familiar with, but they could be quite educational for someone with less experience, and they have the virtue of being accurate and illustrative. Recommended; have a look, at least.

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Should you order learning content by relevance or create structured pathways?

OLDaily by Stephen Downes - Sat, 2024-03-16 04:37
Chris Littlewood, Filtered, Mar 15, 2024

This is advertorial content, so read it with a grain of salt. Still, it raises an interesting question, quoting a LinkedIn post from Nick Shackleton-Jones on why we shouldn't organize content using pathways, and offering a counter in the form of another LinkedIn comment and a study the author (putatively) conducted on his own. For my own part, I don't see why you couldn't do both. A lot of the time (such as when I was trying to use public and private keys yesterday) there's a logical order of things. I follow pathways a lot when I'm learning about tech. What I don't want, though, is to be locked into pathways. Make them a suggestion, not a requirement.

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watch Online English Movies Free: Dui bu qi wo ai <b>ni (2009</b>)

- Sat, 2014-01-25 10:32
Saturday, 25 January 2014. Dui bu qi wo ai ni (2009). pMovie: strongDui bu qi wo ai ni/strong/ppspanimg align=left style=margin-top: 5px;margin-bottom: 5px;margin-left: 3px;margin-right: 20px ...

U-KISS ?Man Man Ha <b>Ni??2009</b>?11????M COUNTDOWN <b>...</b>

- Mon, 2014-01-13 02:49
U-KISS ?Man Man Ha Ni??2009?11????M COUNTDOWN??? ?Mnet Satellite ???? ??????GyaO! ?????????????????????????????????????GyaO!


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