
Anschauliche Dynamik sozialer Netzwerke

Gary Hayes hat auf seinem Blog eine sehr beeindruckende Illustration erstellt, die die Dynamik der Nutzung des Internet und speziell die rasante Entwicklung sozialer Netzwerke darstellt. Faszinierend!


Change your email-address: yes, no, or never?!

Wikipedia May Harm Your Computer - And Google does it too - Really?

I just did a Google search for a software tool, quicky clicked on one of the results and what happend? I got the following warning:

Wonderful! Google did alert me to a potential dangerous website. Going back to the search results I found that the alert was already given there, but I just did not read it thoroughly enough.


Can you trust the web? Dale's pyramid debunked?

Quite often percentages of remembrance are assigned to activities like reading, seeing, hearing, ... These are often incorporated into graphics like Dale's pyramid.


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