
Wiktionary, ein freies Wörterbuch

Wenn Sie Englisch lernen wollen, ist ein englischen Wörterbuch oft sehr hilfreich. Wiktionary, the free dictionary, ist als Begleiter der bekannten Wikipedia entwickelt worden. Natürlich ist auch hier die Nutzung kostenfrei. Über diese Seite erreichen Sie auch Wörterbücher in anderen Sprachen.


Englisch schreiben mit Grammar Girl

Wenn Sie grammatikalisch korrektes Englisch schreiben wollen, so erhalten Sie wichtige Hinweise in dem Podcast Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing von Grammar Girl. In wöchentlich erscheinenden, jeweils etwa 5 Minuten andauernden Podcasts, diese können auf jeden MP3-Spieler oder auch am Rechner angehört werden, erhalten Sie auf unterhaltsame Weise Hinweise auf Tücken und Problemfälle der englischen Sprache und wie diese umgangen werden können.


Free Classic AudioBooks. Digital narration for the 21st Century

Eine Möglichkeit, die eigenen Englischkenntnisse etwas aufzubessern, bietet Free Classic AudioBooks. Dort können Klassiker der Weltliteratur, wie etwa Huckleberry Finn oder die Schatzinsel, als Audiobuch (natürlich in Englisch) kostenfrei heruntergeladen werden.


Google's Advanced Search changed in the English version

Google did change its advanced search window. They made it a lot easier to use and it looks now much more simplified.  Some search options are minimized and can be expanded if necessary. Well done. Take a look here: Google Advanced Search .

Google Advances Search

Lets hope the German version will be available soon.


Efficiently Implementing Dilate and Erode Image Functions

On is a very informative introduction to the dilate and erode image processing algorithm. Interactive examples introduce several ways to implement the function. Efficiently Implementing Dilate and Erode Image Functions


How to search the web for documents/books or other files?

Great advice in starpaths "My web 2.0 collection" blog.

If you want to search for a book, paper, file and your are using Google, just type:

allinurl: +(rar|chm|zip|pdf|tgz) TheTitle


Can you trust the web? Dale's pyramid debunked?

Quite often percentages of remembrance are assigned to activities like reading, seeing, hearing, ... These are often incorporated into graphics like Dale's pyramid.


How and why do I share the content of my courses - First ideas

I have to give a presentation next week on how and why I am sharing the content of my courses. To gather some ideas I have created a mindmap with some links and examples. You can follow this link: "Sharing course material", or use the embedded version. You can drag the image around using the mouse.



How to build your personalized open access journal (POAJ) of biomedical articles of your interest using RSS-feeds

Ever wanted to be notified, if a free full text article of your research interest is newly available in the National Library of Medicine (NLM)? Well, the NLM offers to create your own RSS feeds out of your customized searches. Here are easy step by step instructions on how to do that. Click on any image to enlarge it:

1. Go to PubMed and build your search to give you the best possible results. Perform your search.


Google now also indexes scanned pdf-documents

Thanks to OCR (optical character recognition) technologies Google now indexes and makes available to text searches pdf-documents, that have originally been scanned. While these documents in the past appeared to be images with their content (text) hidden in the image, Google now converts them to html text and indexes their content. These are great news for everyone searching for articles in old scanned journals.
See: Official Google Blog: A picture of a thousand words?



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