
Screencasting - Übersicht der möglichen Anwendungen

Ich nutze Camtasia Studio 4 als Werkzeug zum Aufnehmen, Schneiden und Produzieren von Screencasts. Es hat sich als eine sehr gute umfassende Lösung erwiesen. Allerdings gibt es auch hier noch (2007-01-27) einige Unschönheiten bei der parallelen Erzeugung mehrerer Output-Formate, die allerdings bereinigt werden sollen (Beschreibung siehe hier).


Screencasting - Erfahrungen mit der Hardware

Ich verwende Screencasting, um meine Vorlesungen aufzuzeichnen und den Studenten zur Verfügung zu stellen. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein Projekt (Beschreibung), das von der FH Frankfurt am Main im Rahmen des eLearning-Angebotes unterstützt und evaluiert wird. Ich möchte hier die von mir verwendete Ausstattung beschreiben.


Screencasting - Ein Einstieg in Blended Learning

Der Einstieg in eLearning und Blended Learning ist - gerade bei der Erstellung geeigneter Materialien - für Dozenten mit einer Reihe von Risiken verbunden, die sich oft als Barrieren erweisen. Vielerorts finden sich Aussagen zu dem sehr hohem Aufwand bei der Erstellung von online-Lehrmaterialien. Daher sind besonders Vorgehensweisen interessant, die solche Risiken minimieren. Als Risiken werden oft genannt:


CNN: "Person of the Year: You"

In a news article posted by CNN on December 17th they were looking for the person of the year 2006 and found that it was all about social networking, communities, and collaboration on the web:



News Story: Major incidents hit NHS national systems

In his Informaticopia-Blog Rod Ward brought this article to my attention. It details the quite a large number of incidents effecting the NHS IT-systems installed in hospitals. A frightening large number of patients were put at risk.

Read the news story: Major incidents hit NHS national systems


Steve Hargadon: Interview with Martin Dougiamas, Creator of Moodle

If you ever wondered about the background of Moodle, here is a very interesting interview with Martin Dougiamas talking about himself, Moodle, and the Moodle community. In case you don't know, he is the creator of Moodle, an open source learning management system, that is used widely in all varieties of settings.
Here is Steve Hargadon's blog entry


Blogs: Haven't they been around for some centuries?

Reading in the wonderful Baroque Trilogy by Neal Stephenson about the activities of the scientists in the early 17 hundreds and earlier it appears that scientific progress was largely enhanced by writing letters about work in progress to collegues. It seemed to be about trying out ideas, describing problems, asking questions or answering them, discussing ideas etc. Finished work was committed to books - if at all. This activity of writing letters - isn't that how blogs and comments are working nowadays? It is only a little faster and reaching a larger (global) audience.


Website converted to Drupal (some further impressions)

Coming from Postnuke and Typo3 as my last content management systems (CMS), I have finally finished converting my website to Drupal. The conversion was partly done by direct database table transformation but mostly was done using simple cut and paste (sometimes quite a drag). This certainly would not have worked for a larger website. But for me it was easier and faster than making sure that all the database table conversion would go right.


More thoughts on education: product or process

After reading David Muir's blog entry "Education: product or process" that was triggered by George Siemens' blog "How things change...", I felt quickly that education must be a process. But I never had really thought about it. My main argument is that a product would be well defined and finished at some time. I am looking at education as something always ongoing. So it does not meet the criteria of a product.


10-to-1 rule of email based project management

I found these ideas on the use of email reading the "Mind this" Blog - by Lars Plougmann. He discusses whether email is the right media to communicate important changes in a project. You should read the whole text at the link below. It got me thinking. The following is quoted from his text:

A 10-to-1 rule of email based project management



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